QCA Charter Members
Alice Clark
Anita Flournoy Nicholson
Ann Smith Hart
Bessie Williams*
Constance G. Keaton
Deborah Turner
Diane Golson Simon
Dianne D. Thompson
Donnamaria Kirby Parker
Edna Lee Funderburk
Evelyn Jackson Laster
Florence B. Oliver
Heather Leath
Jacquelyn Johnson Leake
Janice Peters Chapman*
Jo Ann M. Green
Joyce G. Beckett
Kay Dennis*
Marilynn Holmes
Merrill-Jean Bailey
Patricia Alford
Patricia D. Stephens
Patricia M. Robinson
Paulette Forte-Smith
Phyllis Stephens Tatem*
Sharon Coleman
Wilhelmena Johnson Calland
Yvonne W. Browne
* Deceased
- Exemplary Chapter Programs (42nd National Convention – July 20, 1994)
- 1st place for Exemplary Programmatic Implementation of the Dr. Shabazz Delta Academy (48th National Convention – August 1, 2006)
- Exemplary Programmatic Implementation of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy (49th National Convention – July 29, 2008)
- Debra Clayton McAllister, 2016-2017 Delta Dear of the Year Award (53rd National Convention)
- 2018-2019 Medium Chapter of the Year (54th National Convention)
- 2018-2019 Exemplary Membership Services Award – Alumnae (54th National Convention)
- 2018-2019 Exemplary Chapter for Delta Dears (54th National Convention)
- DST GOTV Challenge – 2nd Place Winner (March 11, 2019)
- Certificate of Appreciation Eastern Region (August 7, 1985)
- 3rd Place Program Lab (42nd Eastern Regional Conference, July 3, 1999)
- 1st place Regional Scrapbook Contest Award (2003)
- Information Technology and Communication Award Cutting Edge Chapter (52nd Eastern Regional Conference – August 8, 2020 )
- Emergency Response Team Runner Up (52nd Eastern Regional Conference – August 8, 2020)
- Sandra Brockington Gould, 2020 Delta Dear of the Year (52nd Eastern Regional Conference)
- National Pan-Hellenic Council of Philadelphia Alumni Chapter of the Year Award (September 13, 2008)